Money is a tool. Used properly it makes something beautiful; used wrong, it makes a mess

Stop blaming money. Money is not the problem. Money is just an Amplifier. It’s your mindset that needs to change. Let me explain…

From 15 years of coaching and training people in business and personal development I’ve realised that people see money differently and there are (at least) 5 levels to the journey of money. Each more eloquent and more powerful than the last.

I call it the Personal Path to Prosperity™️ – let me introduce you to it if you are curious :

Level 1 : The Pragmatist. ????

Level 2 : The Worker. ????

Level 3 : The Manager. ⏳

Level 4: The Knowledge Worker. (…was the Entrepreneur) ⚖️

Level 5: The Enigma. ????

Which one are you ? Let’s find out.

Level 1 – The Pragmatist needs to be pragmatic about money.
• Life is about Survival
• Focus is Scarcity
• Money is: hard to come by
• Sayings : “Be Careful”
• Fear of : Not having Enough
• Opportunity is : Step out of Your Comfort

Level 2 – The Worker swaps time for money.
• Life is Hard
• Focus is : Not Enough Time
• Time is Money
• Saying : “Do The Right Thing”
• Fear of : Not Being Good Enough
• Opportunity is: Delegate.

Level 3-The Manager get Paid for Performance

• Life is about Planning.
• Focus is : Certainty
• Money is Status
• Saying : “I know…”
• Fear is : Being Wrong
• Opportunity is : Embrace Failure

Level 4 – The Knowledge Worker seeks Financial Freedom
• Life is about Choice
• Focus is : Getting Things Done
• Money is Leverage
• Saying : “Just do it”
• Fear is : Conformity
• Opportunity is: Aim Higher.

Level 5 – The Enigma
• Life is Abundant
• Focus is : Functional Flow
• Money is how we transfer time & wealth
• Saying : “Patience Pays”
• Fear is : Global Distopia
• Opportunity is : Stepping into your Power