What is the Restorative Breathing Routine
Online Training
Hey It’s Liam The ‘Prove It’ Guy I have been studying martial arts for 20 years now, under Masters from all over the world.
I have discovered that there is a few things missing in that training and with the skill set that I have outside of Martial Arts like Kinesiology, like Hypnotherapy, I have created a system called The Restorative Breathing Routine.
The system is designed to help people with stress, with controlling how they act with their emotions and to heal some of the pain they have caused with in their own body.
Like have you even noticed yourself waking up in the morning and you’ve got injuries that you didn’t go to bed with or throughout the day you just develop a niggle or something happens that’s stressful and you just don’t react well.
This program is designed to help you to take control of your body, your mind and your spirit.
Learn how to breathe deeply and with control to help you relax and just become someone who reacts rather than is reactive.
So the way the program looks is there is one class that you can just jump into and follow along or as a bonus I’ve been working with a mastermind group and each week we focused on two or three movements as well as our stance and our breathing and what I call the body scan.
We work with them more in-depth so there’s those classes as well so you can either just follow along with a full class or you can take it week by week learning more in-depth about each movement.
I also have a Q&A in their that will answer any questions that you might have.
I just will take someone who is stressed and her body is compress, to feeling open and relaxed and just feeling more like themselves.
What you have to do next to get this program is just click on the button below, which will take you to the page we’re you take out your credit card and once you have paid for the program, you will actually get instant access to all the classes I’m talking about.
Just click on the button below and I will see you in the next video.