Pillars of Transformation

About Course

This Video Training is a foundation course on the principles of transformational change and is a prerequisite for all our personal development and coach training courses.


Principles to Change your Life & Create Your Destiny .

This training breaks down the Science of Achievement into a process that creates repeatable results. However, there are caveats that you must be aware of: Specifically, you need to apply four fundamental Laws to your daily activities in getting the results you really want.

In this training, Micheal Colhoun breaks down the Law of Consequences, the Law of Equivalences, the Law of Coherence and the Law of Value in an easy to understand way and help you to understand what you personally need to do to apply these Principles to your life, business and relationships.

Armed with this knowledge, you can start to understand what drives your results and allows you to finally start to create your destiny.

Topics for this course

7 Lessons1h 30m

Pillars of Transformation

Introduction to the Pillars of Transformation8:05
Attitude of Transformation21:21
Law of Consequences15:26
Law Of Equivalences23:10
Law Of Coherence5:27
Law Of Value9:11
Tools & Techniques7:38