About Anna Easton

Hello there, Anna here.

I am a Life Architect.  I take my clients from a place of confusion or apathy to an illuminated, conscious and aligned space.  My goal is to help individuals connect and communicate effectively both internally and with the world around them.  This enables a robust foundation from which to manifest a world and life – anything you can conjure. Together we turn it into your reality.

To give you an idea of how I arrived where I am today, please allow me to share a little about my background.


I was a really bright kid but then, after school spent my teenage years in a dingy flat in a rough part of Liverpool, in a very bad relationship that went on until I was 25 years old.  When my father died I then decided to return myself to be like the bright kid that I had grown up as in the aim of making him proud.  Having suffered so much I had a great foundation of knowing exactly what I didn’t want from life, I knew what it was that was important for me to go and do.

I learned how to look after my body first and foremost and knew that the best way to balance and feeling secure in my life was to feel strong and in control of this.  I studied exercise, yoga and nutrition, gaining qualifications in each.  I also worked helping people with one of the biggest decisions that we make in our lives which is that of where to live.  I loved connecting with people and doing things a little differently from my colleagues to obtain great results and help them build their desired lives.

The property industry in London was a fun and lucrative place to be but was slightly tainted for me as was very money focused – which I certainly was not.  It again taught me a lot about what was not right for me and the kind of people that I was my best self around. This in turn led me back to yoga and then on to studying Neuroscience.

I soon started delivering wellbeing workshops founded from the desire to connect with others.  These workshops delivered and explored the topics of Mind, Body and our Environments, and were hugely successful.  People really wanted to learn about themselves and progress.   Therein True Wellbeing was founded and has progressed to help individuals from all walks of life to investigate and excel their own potential.  I create, bespoke and deliver programmes, platforms and space for people to realise their best selves, their own True Wellbeing.

I now coach those who are wanting to make changes in their lives.  I consult for groups and companies who are forward thinking and realise how important they and their environments are fundamental to their own wellbeing.  I am fortunate to work with many amazing beings who have insight and provide inspiration.

My strongest skills are my intuition and my ability to connect with others.  I am passionate about what I do and my goal is to help many many people to realise their dreams.  My mantra is “if you can hold it in your head, you can hold it in your hand” – we truly are the creators of our own lives.

 If you want more information please reach out to me and I will look forward to hearing from you, Have an amazing day whatever you get up to and I will speak to you again soon.

Do You Want to Enjoy Your Life Without Sacrifice?

Find Your True Wellbeing